
Directed by Benjamin Greené

Stream, River, Ocean
is a triptych of cinematic meditations on falling in love with water. Each cycle treats water as a devotional object in order to investigate the fluid relationship between the hydrosphere and ourselves. Filmed amidst the stunning waterscapes of the Pacific Northwest, the series embodies water’s restorative power to provide comfort and healing.

STREAM (25 min)
Bears witness to ecological transformation by documenting sequential walks along a 400-foot stream in four seasons. Each walk is guided by predetermined patterns of duration and framing.

RIVER (10 min)
Traces the intimate journey of Nooksack riverlands from glacial origins to ocean. River is inspired by the physical sensation of immersion into bodies of water along the watershed.

OCEAN (31 min)
Reflects the still, mesmerizing open water mandala of the Salish Sea.

Designed for contemplative spaces in galleries and healthcare settings as a therapeutic intervention. Filmed on the ancestral homelands of the Lummi and Nooksack Peoples.


Audio Post: Casey Connor
Production Support: Eli Loomis, Casey Connor, Simon Graves
Sound (STREAM): Christina Wienhold
Producer/Camera: Benjamin Greené