Directed by Benjamin Greené and Benj Cameron
62 minutes
Bury Me in Redwood Country is a portrait of the tallest and largest trees on the planet — Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum. Filmed as an act of reverence, Bury Me quietly mirrors the Redwood landscape in deep time.
Featuring canopy scientist Stephen Sillett, Yurok Elder Ada Charles Bates, the co-discoverers of the tallest trees Michael Taylor and Chris Atkins, and the everlasting Sequoia.
Producer/Editor: P. Corwin Lamm
Producer/Camera: Benjamin Greené and Benj Cameron
Music: Ockeghem’s Missa Caput performed by Grain de la Voix
Still Photography: Jessica Notargiacomo
Produced in part with a grant from Save the Redwoods League in cooperation with Redwoods National and State Parks.
Selected Screenings
-Opening Night Film, Northwest Projections Film Festival
-Local Sightings Film Festival, Northwest Film Forum
-Redwood National and State Parks
-DOCTOBER, The Pickford Film Center
-The Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA